We're back, after a long hiatus vacationing in the Netherlands Antilles, and waging war on the current wererabbit epidemic, we finally found the time to watch and review The Dark Tower. For those that don't know this film is an adaptation of Stephen King's series "The Dark Tower. It follows...
Taboo- An Honest Judgement
Taboo is a British television show produced by Tom Hardy, and "Alien" director Ridley Scott. It deals with the life and times of once mistaken to be dead, James Delaney. Taking place in 1814, Delaney (played by Tom Hardy) returns from Africa to inherit a piece of land from his...
Ash Vs. Evil Dead: An Honest Judgement
So, before I begin, I have to let you know that I am biased on this because horror is my thing. I’ve met Bruce Campbell, he’s a cool guy. I’ll do my best to stay on the straight and narrow. With that being said…Here we go. For those of you...
Supergirl: An Honest Judgement
First off I would like to say that since I am going to criticize this tv show, and I'm known for being really harsh toward whatever I criticize, our friend with the nuts, Fred Forrager asked me to not be so hard on this one in particular, because Kara Zor...
Star Wars VII Teaser Trailer
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer was just released and it looks great. Some of the footage shows a new controversial lightsabre design which is causing some heated debate in online communities with one side calling it a great design idea and the other camp calling it...
Star Wars VII
Finally the Cast of the new Star Wars VII has been announced Full Press Release here From the website: Actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill,...