Blizzard recently announced that World of Warcraft players will soon have the ability to undelete characters up to level 50 with restrictions and level 50+ indefinitely once the Warlords of Draenor content patch is live. The service will only be available once every 30 days and once your character is...
Submission Guidelines
We would love to see your work here at Twisted SquirrelOur aim is to make it as easy as possible to submit pictures and articles for submission to our website.If you are submitting pictures of artwork, Cosplay, events etc then simply email the link to download such as Dropbox, Google...
Twisted Squirrel Is Alive!
Today is the day that the internet will change for the better, as yet another entertainment site sprouts up out of nothingness and comes alive on the interwebs. Ahh the Interweb the place in which things are still massively dominated by 90% Filth and 9.5% Grumpy Cat. The remaining 0.5%...