Twisted Squirrel Is Alive!

Today is the day that the internet will change for the better, as yet another entertainment site sprouts up out of nothingness and comes alive on the interwebs.
Ahh the Interweb the place in which things are still massively dominated by 90% Filth and 9.5% Grumpy Cat. The remaining 0.5% of the Interweb space is where we have built our humble little home here, a haven for time-wasting and entertainment, for geeks, nerds, and anyone who cares.
We will have gaming news & giveaways, cosplay contests, user submitted pictures, strange/weird news, the best and worst gaming rigs, tech news and stories and some of the more twisted things floating around this fine planet. Did we mention cosplay? yeah….. lots of that.
Come and kick back, relax…
We want to thank you for stopping by, you can see that we are not complete yet and have basically nothing at all of interest ready for your pleasure, but do not fret, if you build it they will come!
-Twisted Squirrel Team


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