We are back with more great cosplay pictures for your enjoyment! This time we have the super talented Jhess Angel Cosplay and photography by Vinicus Viegas. These Freddy Bishoujo pics are simply amazing, we have seen pictures of Jhess Angel around and we are happy to finally have some to share with...
Fanini Rabbids is Chun Li
We have so many great pictures and cosplays to share with you we don't know where to start. We teased this Chun Li set last recently from the amazingly talented Arturo Vega Cosplay Photographer and Fanini Rabbids and now we are here to share more with you guys. If you like...
Adam Taurus Cosplay
We love getting cosplay submissions from artists we have not had the pleasure of working with yet, and we were happy to receive these submissions the other day. Tiberius Cosplay and Patchwork Productions got together to capture a bad ass photo shoot that you can see below, be sure to...
Kikyo and Inuyasha
Hello eveyone, we have another set from the amazing Arturo Vega We have no idea how he manages to knock it out of the park in every photoshoot but here is another example of his great work. In his first ever session with Skei and Kaildrein Blaze, they dared the cold...
Halloween Town Sora by Van
Update: Van has moved her Facebook Account. the new link can be found right here Another great cosplay for you guys tonight, this time we have Van cosplaying Halloween Town Sora at this years Matsuricon in Ohio. The pictures were taken by the amazingly talented Heather Luker from hjlphotography be...
SmallShark Cosplay as Ryuko
We have some more great pictures from the amazing Heather J Luker at hjlphotography.com taken from the recent Matsuricon in Ohio. There are sets of Ryuko from Kill La Kill, Makoto Yokomizo from AKB004, and Halloween Town Sora from Kingdom hearts. Keep checking back as we release these great sets...
Ashley Noir Cosplay – Jack Frost
We have some great cosplay by Ashley Noir Cosplay Ashley submitted these pictures of her portrayal of Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians and we think they are great, If you like Ashley's work be sure to stop by her Facebook page for more information and news! Ashley: I...
Submission Guidelines
We would love to see your work here at Twisted SquirrelOur aim is to make it as easy as possible to submit pictures and articles for submission to our website.If you are submitting pictures of artwork, Cosplay, events etc then simply email the link to download such as Dropbox, Google...
Caroline Cosplay – Psylocke
We love Cosplay here at Twisted Squirrel, and always want to share any submissions we get. Today we bring you three great pictures from Caroline Cosplay and her great Cosplay of Psylocke From X-Men and X-Force, be sure to catch up with her on Twitter and Facebook and be sure...
Chibi KentokyoCon
Chibi KentokyoCon Chibi KentokyoCon was hosted at Joseph Beth Booksellers on the 26th April, this smaller mini-con is a taster of the larger event to be held later in the year. For more information you can see the Bluegrass Otaku facebook page here. Big thank you to Devin Preston Photography...